What is membership?
At Maranatha Waterford, we have a high view of church membership. We think it is important to express our reasons in a forthright manner. Church membership is:
- Confession of Faith-Faith is invisible, but it results in visible evidence, which are: a changed life, witness to others, Christian baptism, and identification with God’s people.
- An Expression of Gratitude-The church is Christ’s body on earth. He bought it, formed it, and uses it to do His will. When we identify with the Church, we express to God our commitment to and our gratitude for the Savior.
- A Confession of Need-The Church is not a museum for perfect saints; no, it is a rehabilitation center for “improving” Christians. We need all the help we can get, and through fellowship in the Church, we gain much help and discipline.
- An Involvement in God’s Program-No local Church is perfect, we need to pool our gifts and talents to fullfill God’s great plan. Together we can do what would be impossible alone.
Why become a member?
The answer is commitment; commitment both to Christ and His Church, reflected in tithes, attendance, and ministry involvement (Heb. 10:24-25).
Joining the church has nothing to do with salvation or eternal life (Eph. 2:8-9). But the Church does represent the place of spiritual growth for the believer. The Church is the flock of God, a place of spiritually gifted ministry by those who desire spiritual growth (1 Pet. 5:2-3).
God never intended that any Christian should live in isolation. He knows we need to belong to a community because He made us that way. The word “saint” never appears in the singular in the Bible, only the plural. We need each other, and God provided the Church to meet that need.
The community was designed and put together to meet the needs of the people (Acts 4:32-35). The Bible calls it a “body”, one body, but many members (1 Cor. 12:12). The Church is the household of faith (Eph. 2:19). We are children in God’s family (John 1:12).
New Testament believers are placed into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13). We are part of a community identified by membership in the local church. The church then reaches out in the power of the Holy Spirit to tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ (John 20:21).
Membership is an important commitment which shows you agree with the vision and values of this church and that you are dedicated to supporting those values in pursuit of the future. We are so glad you are making this decision and we count it a privilege to walk with you on this journey.
How can I become a member of Maranatha
Ask for more information before or after a church service or call the office.