Power of Prayer

We all know the power in prayer. Why not get started right now by spending 4 minutes in prayer for what or who you are now thinking about. All intercession is prayer, but not all prayer is intercession. Prayer is talking with God. Intercession is petitioning God for the needs of another. As we study The Bible, we see examples of men and women who interceded for whole cities and nations, and because of their prayers history was changed. As Christians have observed the passionate, persistent, and often desperate prayers required to bring about change -  both in Scripture and…
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Continuous Prayer

Dear brothers and sisters, On Wednesdays, we set time aside to pray, fast and seek the Lord about the current situation in our nation. We are greatly encouraged that the lord is hearing our prayers as the curve is flattening, the reproduction rate has dropped and the expected surge has not happened. We have much reason to praise and thank the Lord but we cannot stop but we need to persevere in prayer as we are far from being through the crises. 2Ki 13:18-19 Then he said, "Take the arrows," and the king took them. Elisha told him, "Strike the…
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Prayer – Wednesdays

Dear brothers and sisters, Just a reminder, to those who are able, to set tomorrow aside to pray and seek the Lord about the current situation to pray and to fast if possible. Suggested times are 9am, 12md, 6pm and 9pm, just as an encouragement, knowing that at these times others are also praying. Luke 18:1 Jesus says that we should always pray and not give up, and we have reason to be encouraged as we have not experienced the overwhelming surge that other countries have suffered but let us press on until we are clear. Suggested guidelines for prayer…
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A Call to Prayer & Fasting

Dear brothers and sisters, These are difficult days we’re living in, both for us as individuals and as a people. It’s been on my heart for a few days now, to see if we could come together as a body and unite to pray about this situation, this plague of coronavirus. Obviously, we can’t come together physically, but we can unite together in the Spirit and pray for God’s mercy on our land and on our world. We’ve turned away from the Lord and the Lord longs for us to turn back to Him. ‘When I shut up the heavens…
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